Monday, May 9, 2011

Post 3: Flexible Edits

Blue Sky

Blue Sky. 5/8/2011. 7:12pm. Rexburg, ID. f/6.9 1/200.

I used two masks. One on original image and a duplicate of that image which was placed on top layer. I darkened the darks and reveled the lightness and colors underneath that layer whcih had saturation, color balance, and level adjustments.

Branch Silhouette

Branch Silhouette. 5/6/2011. 7:00pm. Rexburg, ID. f/4.9 1/250.

I used a mask of original image and placed it on top with different adjustment layers beneath it so the colors would stand out with the darkened edges. I used virbrance, saturation, levels, and color balance adjustment layers beneath the mask and revealed them by using the brush.

Post 3: Flora & Fauna

Yellow Flower

Yellow Flower. 5/7/2011. 4:38pm. Rexburg, ID ƒ/2.8; 1/30. Canon Powershot SD500.

Edited in Camera Raw and Photoshop. Used vibrance, vignette, saturation, clarity, detail, levels, lightness.

Orange Flower

Orange Flower. 5/7/11. 2:18pm. Rexburg, ID ƒ/2.8; 1/13. Canon Powershot SD500.

Edited in Camera Raw and Photoshop. Used brightness, contrast, blacks, exposure, vignette, clarity,  detail, levels, gaussian blur, and a mask.


Duck. 5/7/11. 1:58pm. Rexburg, ID ƒ/13.0; 1/160. Canon Powershot SD500.

Edited in Camera Raw and Photoshop. Used contrast, exposure, clarity, levels, adjustment brush to darken top, gaussian blur, and a mask.